Saturday, November 30, 2013

I Have Words

Hi Chocolate Fans!

I'm Momma Needs Chocolate (but you can call me Momma) and this is Vox de Momma (Voice of Momma). This is my place. My voice. Mine. Mine. Mine.

I've decided to blog anonymously because I got tired of getting in trouble for the things I wrote on my old blog. I was even careful to try to never say anything bad about anybody or to share information but I just... kept. getting. complaints. from the familia. And it was makin' my eye twitch and I kept starting posts and not finishing them because it just killed my joy to have to sanitize everything before I hit publish.

So I stopped blogging. And I missed it but every time I thought about something I wanted to write I'd think of the complaints so I wouldn't even start.

Then The Sweet MIL (The Hub's Mom) (MIL = Mother in Law) kept telling me my texts were so funny and I really needed to have a blog. And I explained that I had one but I stopped and why. So she said the magic words that set my brain on fire. She goes:

"Why don't you just blog anonymously?"

And I just sort of stared at her and blinked for a minute, because duh. Obviously. This should have occurred to me long ago but I'm going to claim that The Girl has been sucking all my brain juice and keeping me from sleep so thats my excuse and I'm stickin' to it.

And then I got home that night and I couldn't stop thinking of everything I wanted to write and it just seemed to flow like a dam bursting in my brain. And the only reason its taken me this long (2 more days) to actually START the blog is because I couldn't think up a name and the name was somehow VERY important to me (I'm just gonna file that under "I was having an Artiste Moment"). So I finally picked a name I like that hasn't been used already by somebody else! and here we are!

(I thought Momma Needs Chocolate was terribly clever because then I could call my readers the Chocolate Fans and really who doesn't love chocolate - okay some people but we aren't going to discuss those heathens right now - and since everybody is a chocolate fan, I already have a million fans!! Right. *nods vigorously* ... Yes I do lead a rich fantasy life).

*Ahem* Back to the story:

And that night that the dam burst I discovered something about myself:

I am a writer.

I am. I never realized it before. Somehow because I have a complete and total inability to come up with fiction (this was the biggest thing I learned about myself in my creative writing classes) I had just sort of given up the idea that I would ever be a writer. But The Bloggess is one of my all time favorite writers and she's not writing fiction novels... So maybe I can make the writing thing work. I'm just not going to write the great american fiction novel.

But I am a writer. I'm a writer because I love to write. I need to write and I know blogging is fantastic therapy for me but until the dam broke I didn't realize just how badly I need to write because I have words.

I have words in my head and they won't leave me alone and I need a space where I can come purge them out. I will do my best to post regularly. Hopefully daily at least Monday thru Friday. I'll try to be funny, but I can't always swear to it. But here I will be real. Always*.

I will change all names and use code names for recurring characters to protect the "innocent". And hopefully keep me from being disowned someday when my family finds this blog. (Yes I'm saying "when" not "if" because while I lead a rich fantasy life, I'm not completely delusional).

I will attempt to include pictures etc but I can't promise it because its not pictures haunting my brain and begging to be let out, its words. So if I'm lazy, no pics. Sorry. (Note: I'm frequently lazy).

*For a given value of "Always"