Tuesday, December 3, 2013


So I'm totally bummed out about something and I can't whine in any public forum but this one (b/c its anonymous) b/c I'm paranoid about announcing that I'm going to be out of town on the internet. I think its really just asking for trouble personally to announce when you're gone.

Long story short - We are gonna go home to see my folks for Christmas! YAY! That part thrills my socks off. Seriously. SO. EXCITED.

The bummer is that b/c we are going out of town for Christmas... We aren't getting a Christmas tree this year. And that makes me a sad panda.

I really want one. I'm jealous of all my friends who are posting pictures to FB of their gorgeous, happy, decorated trees and I want one real bad. But we are leaving town so its stupid to get one. Except that it makes me sad that I don't have one. lol. But we are broke so the mature, responsible thing to do is not to get one.

*pouts like the small child I really am*

Also I seriously need to put up Christmas decorations even if we don't have a tree b/c its amazing how the pumpkins and fall decor that delighted me for the past two months instantly become depressing the first day of December. My family traditionally decorated the weekend after Thanksgiving and got our tree the first weekend of Dec at the latest.

Also I'm skeerd of my weigh in tonight. I've been doing Weight Watchers to lose weight and making great progress the last month that I've been back post baby. But this last week was bad. Very, very bad.

Not only was it Thanksgiving but it was Hanukkah with my inlaws. Three large holiday meals that I had zero menu control over. I actually did pretty good staying on track for Turkey Day but then both MILs (I have two bc The Hub's folks are divorced and the FIL has remarried) were too tired to cook a big dinner and so did take out. And then bc of x, y, and z I showed up to both meals starving which is never good for my self control and was faced with pizza, salad and pie at one and ribs, quesadillas, salad and cheesecake at the other. It was bad. It was very, very bad.

And so I'm very scared of the scale and rather depressed about gaining which logically makes me want to go eat a gallon of ice cream and chase that down with a pound or two of cookie dough. I haven't yet... but I want to.

Am I the only one subject to this logic? What positive coping mechanisms do y'all use? Ideas to make me feel better about the no Christmas tree thing?

1 comment:

  1. Card Christmas tree or sometimes cuttings that just make the house smell good.
    I remember the year I was debating getting a real wreath for the door, Costco sells them made of fresh branches. My daughter was with me. I debated back and forth until she pointed out I was petting it. Yup, I was standing in the aisle brushing my hand on the branches.

    As for meals, I find extra exercise my friend. I am not loosing but I am not gaining either. I also gave myself 1 day off with no calorie counting and no guilt. It was lovely.
